Tan Hui Meng
Financial Planner
Hui Meng has been in the insurance industry for 6 years, working for an agency that prides themselves to be a one stop solution for their clients by having access to a wide range of products from Life and Health Insurance to Group and General Insurance.
His passion to help his clients is the reason why he is still in this industry today. Hui Meng specializes in working with his clients to identify their financial needs and finding the best possible plans to fill in those financial gaps that his clients have. He enjoys helping his clients by making them feel secure whilst planning for their financial goal.
Hui Meng’s ultimate goal is to help his clients achieve financial freedom.
Hui Meng likes to hang out with friends and is eager to make new ones. In his free time, you will find him organizing gatherings for his group of friends to catch up with one another. He enjoys maintaining long and strong relationships not just with friends, but also his clients.
Rep No: THM300299597
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