Deine Chua
Financial Planner
Having witnessed first-hand how my dad benefited from the claims of his insurance policy when he was diagnosed with cancer made me decide to join this industry. This led me to be a firm believer in insurance.
I believe in putting clients’ interests first and enjoy sharing information, thus empowering them to make informed decisions. Often described as empathetic, sincere and patient, I take pride in recommending holistic and comprehensive solutions to my clients.
It's my heart's desire to help the people I meet to understand the importance of financial planning in order that they can plan well financially – creating, protecting and distributing their wealth.
MDRT Aspirant 2023
Rep No: CSH200090476
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* We/us refers to Great Eastern, our related corporations, respective representatives and agents. For more details, please refer to the Privacy and Security Policy on Great Eastern’s website.