Adrian Sim
Senior Financial Planner

I thank God for leading me into this financial planning work that I’ve enjoyed since 2003. It was a decision I made then to stay with my family in Singapore and yet, to build a business of my own. By God’s graces, I have seen how He has used me to bring clarity and stability in financial planning to my policyholders, provided emotional relief and direction in times of claims and loss of loved ones. I’m honoured by the trust and friendship my policyholders have placed on me, to have journeyed with them in their happy occasions and even in sad, challenging moments.

I continue to study and upgrade myself because financial planning needs continue to grow in complexity… for example:

  • How do you plan to ensure a desired and timely transfer of wealth to the next generation so that core principles and culture is preserved in the family or business?

  • How do you help the next generation achieve a purposeful life with the wealth you’ve built up - aiding their worthy aspirations that help the less fortunate in society and ways to care for the environment we live in?

These are current topics I enjoy discovering with fellow practitioners as I study today!

Rep No: SBS200088644

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